Reiki healing

Reiki helps in relaxation, assist in the body’s natural healing processes, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is also said to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall well-being. People who receive Reiki describe it as “intensely relaxing.”

A Reiki session can last from 20-60 mins.

Service Cost: 500 Rs/session (half an hour) (For both Distance or in-person healing)

  1. Kundalini Reiki
  2. Location Reiki
  3. Past life reiki
  4. Birth Trauma Reiki
  5. Space cleansing (house or room negative energy clearing)
  6. Diamond Reiki
  7. Crystaline reiki
  8. Healing Karmic bonds
  9. Quality healing (for Anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, insecurity etc)