Past Life Regression

Past life, rebirth, reincarnation is debatable topic, as some people believe in it, and some do not. It might be due to religious belief or personal belief. I am not here to prove either of that. I personally believe, past lives exist, there is rebirth. If we believe in Karma, and popular saying “As you sow, you shall reap”, then why some people are born poor, some rich, some with disability, some as animals and birds etc. what action they had done before birth, which decided their birth. It makes sense that, there was past life, and the karma from past life decide our next birth. “Punarapi Jananam, Punarapi Maranam” means, again and again one is born, again and again one dies. So, there is rebirth, there is wheel of birth-death cycle. There are researches conducted and scientific proof for this, famous one is by Ian Stevenson. And I respect other’s belief if they do not believe in it. Everyone has their own prospective to look at things.

Now coming to Past life regression, there is no scientific proof yet, to say if the life experienced by a person under hypnosis is actually real or your subconscious mind creating it. However, there are some cases, where researchers have taken note of the details gathered in a PLR session and verified it to be true. There are some theories which proves how this is real, based on cellular memory which says memory is not stored just in brain, but in all the cells of the body. Based on this, there are some theories which says, in Hypnosis, one gets access to past life memory by DNA. There is also a concept of soul memory which we can related well with, as soul has no birth or death, it just passes from one body to another body. We are all souls, and when a person dies, soul leaves the body along with subtle body, leaving the physical body (which then becomes dead body), the soul carries all the memories, experiences, lessons it learnt in every birth.


Here, our objective is not to prove whether it is real or not, but to get benefits of it. It does not matter how it works, what matters is, it works, and solves some of the unexplained issues of life. Unexplained fears, anxiety, to discover purpose of life, inner potential, why we feel connected with someone etc. Regression need not be always to past life, it can even of the current life, that needs to be addressed and healed. You will know the taste of sugar only when you taste it yourself, so experience the PLR to know it first-hand rather listening to what others give their opinions who themselves never experienced it.